“Coffee is my passion and I hope you will enjoy our work” -
Mauricio Gonzalez, Finca Corinto
Local Farmers & Kaffee La Finca
We have been building up a deep relationship with our coffee-growing partners for years. We know the local farmers, their families and employees personally and pay regular visits to their coffee-producing fincas. We know their stories, their passion - but also the difficulties they are facing on a daily basis. It is our objective to be the key element between our clients and the farming communities, in order to build a relationship of trust and, by doing so, to give access to all the information regarding our direct trade practices.

We want to recognize the Farmer’s hard work
The plants grow on the hillsides of the Andes in Colombia’s famous coffee triangle known as the "Eje Cafetero". It’s here - in our home country - where our idea was born and our mission took root.
Kaffee La Finca is our opportunity to reward the local farmers for their hard work, through fair payment practices, by promoting high-quality coffee production, while always guaranteeing environmental sustainability.

We always get the best quality
From the harvest to the roasting: the origin of each coffee bean of Kaffee La Finca is completely traceable and therefore guarantees it’s top quality. Our single origin coffee has a cupping score of 85 (and above), being classified in the prime range of specialty coffees.

By working hands on with our growing partners on developing sustainable agricultural practices we aim to furthermore improve the quality and production of their coffee trees. Because not only do we care about the farmer’s life and working conditions, but also intend to reduce the environmental impact of our coffee production. All of our coffee-growing partners are FLOCERT and UTZ certified, which guarantees that their coffees meet the environmental standards and are sustainably sourced - from finca to your cup.